What is missing in my Life?
Christopher Titmuss
9:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 19 January 2019
Dharma Primary School, Brighton
Our mind can easily get caught up in what is missing in our life - love, a role, peace of mind, children, success, intimacy, fulfilment and more.
We live a life torn between what is present and what is absent.
The duality of presence and absence generates stress, feelings of failure and time pressure.
There are other ways to view the circumstances of our existence.
In this one-day workshop, we explore these issues using mindfulness, meditation and sharing of experiences.
The day will include a talk on the theme, inquiry and questions and answers.
The Dharma Primary School
149 Ladies' Mile Road,
Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8TB,
What is missing in my Life?
Christopher Titmuss
9:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 19 January 2019
Dharma Primary School, Brighton
Our mind can easily get caught up in what is missing in our life - love, a role, peace of mind, children, success, intimacy, fulfilment and more.
We live a life torn between what is present and what is absent.
The duality of presence and absence generates stress, feelings of failure and time pressure.
There are other ways to view the circumstances of our existence.
In this one-day workshop, we explore these issues using mindfulness, meditation and sharing of experiences.
The day will include a talk on the theme, inquiry and questions and answers.
The Dharma Primary School
149 Ladies' Mile Road,
Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8TB,

Insight Meditation
Mindfulness of the Four Postures and Eating
SITTING MEDITATION: Cross-legged, use of meditation stool or chair without back support (unless necessary). Sit with straight back and neck with chin slightly tucked in and hips rolled gentle forward to lengthen the back. Eyes closed with feeling of expansion in chest and diaphragm area. Avoid use of will power to hold posture. Let the whole body settle into the posture with alert presence.
WALKING MEDITATION: Meditative walking consists of slow, short steps. Heel of one foot hardly goes in front of toes of the other. Be mindful of each foot touching the ground. Eyes used for seeing ahead and balance. One hand resting on the other at the abdomen. Five to fifteen meters to walk up and down with moment to moment concentrated mindfulness. Be respectful to each step on the Earth.
STANDING MEDITATION: Stand with two feet a few centimeters apart. Hands together on the abdomen. Eyes closed or open. Experience the presence of whole body from soles of feet to top of the head. Experience stillness of posture, the vibration of life and the sense of being.
RECLINING MEDITATION: Lie flat on the back with heels together or bend knees so heels are drawn close to buttocks. Head on small, firm pillow or two or three books. Arms resting at the side of the body or hands on abdomen. Be fully present to intimacy with immediate nature.
EATING MEDITATION: Vegetarian or vegan food. Initial reflection on world wide inter-dependency that makes a meal possible. Silence throughout meal with alert posture. Mindful and unhurried eating with mindfulness of tasting, chewing and swallowing of food. Leave 20% space in the stomach for food to digiest. Conclude with a reflection as a thanksgiving.