What is missing in my Life?
Christopher Titmuss
9:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 19 January 2019
Dharma Primary School, Brighton
Our mind can easily get caught up in what is missing in our life - love, a role, peace of mind, children, success, intimacy, fulfilment and more.
We live a life torn between what is present and what is absent.
The duality of presence and absence generates stress, feelings of failure and time pressure.
There are other ways to view the circumstances of our existence.
In this one-day workshop, we explore these issues using mindfulness, meditation and sharing of experiences.
The day will include a talk on the theme, inquiry and questions and answers.
The Dharma Primary School
149 Ladies' Mile Road,
Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8TB,
What is missing in my Life?
Christopher Titmuss
9:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 19 January 2019
Dharma Primary School, Brighton
Our mind can easily get caught up in what is missing in our life - love, a role, peace of mind, children, success, intimacy, fulfilment and more.
We live a life torn between what is present and what is absent.
The duality of presence and absence generates stress, feelings of failure and time pressure.
There are other ways to view the circumstances of our existence.
In this one-day workshop, we explore these issues using mindfulness, meditation and sharing of experiences.
The day will include a talk on the theme, inquiry and questions and answers.
The Dharma Primary School
149 Ladies' Mile Road,
Patcham, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 8TB,
Insight Meditation
Light on Enlightenment
Light on Enlightenment
Christopher Titmuss
Rider books
Random House, London
220 pages
ISBN 0-7126-7122-6
Check availability, new/used.
Also available as an e-book (kindle).
Many of us find ourselves trapped in a way of life over which we have little control. We are pulled along by our needs and desires, never realising that these are the very causes of suffering to ourselves and others. Some 2500 years ago, the Buddha taught a way out of this trap, a way to a profound depths of clarity and wisdom. This lucidly written guide is a practical and straightforward account of the Buddha's teachings, by a former journalist and Buddhist monk. Throughout the book, Christopher Titmuss demonstrates how these teachings can impact on our own everyday lives, drawing on the experience of real people. There are searching questions for us to ask ourselves, and suggestions for practical exercises and tasks. Light on Enlightenment opens up to all of us the possibility of inner transformation and of realising an enlightened life, and expansive heart and fathomless understanding.